Before Space Invaders, before Defender, before Asteroids...
There was Sea Wolf!
When Coastal Amusements set out to launch the mobile app version of Sea Wolf — possibly the most popular arcade game of the 1970s — they came to Channel V Media for an intense two-month launch program.
CVM’s work fell into three primary categories: develop an online presence, introduce social media and content strategies, and publicize the launch.
The Sea Wolf brand only existed in arcades
or people’s memories.
The brand had no existing online presence
or content assets, aside from the forthcoming app.
The game would launch with only limited levels.
Sea Wolf needed to keep gamers engaged and updated while new levels were being developed.
Sea Wolf needed to reinvigorate
its relationship with original fans while speaking to a new generation of gamers.
Sea Wolf’s only stated strategy
for attracting app downloads was PR.
Sea Wolf’s internal social media team would implement day-to-day updates,
but they needed a cohesive strategy.
Good music and sound effects.
Create a comprehensive content strategy that speaks to both old and contemporary gamers
Design and develop Sea Wolf’s online presence
Develop a cohesive social media strategy to guide ongoing updates by the Sea Wolf team
Make strategic introductions to industry partners to increase downloads and visibility
Target print and online media to get as many reviews as possible in the app’s first month on the market
One of video gaming's earliest hits has returned as an iOS game!—
Deliverables & Results
Introduced Coastal Amusements to Apple’s app store marketing team to explore ongoing marketing opportunities and the launch of new mobile games | Introduced Coastal Amusements to Dave & Busters to develop an in-store promotional program that would promote app downloads | Delivered a Sea Wolf-branded content-rich website that acted as the brand’s hub, housing a player’s forum, information about the app and the Sea Wolf Blog | Created an app demo video for use on the site and social media | Introduced branded Sea Wolf social media profiles (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) and pre-populated them with initial launch content | Secured 22 app reviews from national news outlets, gaming sites, gaming trades, and technology outlets in the first month | USA Today made Sea Wolf one of its “Portable Picks” and gaming update declared Sea Wolf “Game of the Week” |